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The Royal Turd award 2005
This is to be a Royal prestigious TURD (RpT). Winners will have their photos of their non private dump sent to several Sailing News Publications for review. No dump editing by those editors. The Royal TURD will be decided by the 2005 Annual meeting by the normal way...


This is to be a Royal prestigious TURD (RpT). Winners will have their photos of their non private dump sent to several Sailing News Publications for review. No dump editing by those editors. The Royal TURD will be decided by the 2005 Annual meeting by the normal way. There are rules that were decided upon during the meeting of the dump committee in late October of 2004. Meeting held in the Boys Room under Casa de Mexico.

#1 The prestigious turd (pT) must be dropped and photoed in the impact zone onboard a boat. Anyone can have dropped it, even a non members. No moving or clean up before photoing the pT.

#2 Time and date of Royal Dump is needed. The length of time taken from the start to finish process will be given attention by the Royal Judges. Also please add location of the yacht/launch from which the Royal Dump was taken.

#3 The dumped on vessel, the dumpee and photographers names need must be included for proper evaluation.

#4 A brief explanation of the entire process will be needed.

#5 Send all entries (photos and text only) to rdbycprd@yahoo.com.

Have fun dumping away and cheers Frank

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