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Phuket World Marine Headquarters No Longer
I am sad to report that the RDBYC Phuket HQ is no longer....yes sad BUTT true the Anchor Bar was handed back to the cockless, flea bitten, goat fucking thai landlord although we did manage to...

G'day you cun'ts!!

I am sad to report that the RDBYC Phuket HQ is no longer....yes sad BUTT true the Anchor Bar was handed back to the cockless, flea bitten, goat fucking thai landlord although we did manage to strip it clean and save the RDBYC flag, all I left the sad cunt of a baboons arse was the shell and what remained of the fine bar itself.


We managed to get out without any fucking yachtie owing us money........unbelieveable so I guess they aren't such a bad bunch of cunts after all. never did recover the RDBYC chess set but we did manage to find a use for all that "good" medicine you left us... I poisoned most of the plants with it and made a lovely curry for the landlord..

Now searching for a suitable replacement to raise the flag once more in the meantime the flag FLIES in my orofice here in Patong.




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