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Ultra Efficient Chilli! No need to clean pots and pans!
This recipe was created between Darwin Australia and Bali Indonesia and is meant to keep one selfish mans stomach full without having to worry about washing up pots and pans.

By Wes

Note: It is condidered bad manners to prepare food for oneself without offering it to others. This is one dish where no one really wants it anyway.

Preparation time: 0 min
Serves: 1

1 can of Chilli ( I recommend Western Family )
1 spoon

Optional: Grated cheese of your choice.


  1. Retrieve can of Chilli from the drawer.
  2. Adjust ships inventory levels.
  3. Remove lid and paper from Chilli can.
  4. Place Chilli can directly onto smaller burner and simmer until hot.
  5. Optional: Add cheese and stir.
  6. Consume while standing in the hatchway.
  7. Chuck can into the ocean.
  8. Wash spoon.

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